Campaign group Backto60 are "confident" that they will win their High Court claim launched today.
Their claim relates to the increase of the state pension age for women from 60 to 65 years of age.
The campaign group is claiming for the repayment of all pension payments that women born in the 1950s would have been eligible to receive had they been able to retire at 60.
Many women argue that they were not given sufficient notice to change their retirement plans and have suffered as a result.
The claim argues both sex and age discrimination. Specifically, they argue that the increase of the pension age has discriminated against women born after 1950, but also put women generally at a particular disadvantage to men.
The Government case is that the changes were intended to equalise pension age between the sexes but also to ensure “intergenerational fairness as between those in receipt of state pensions and the younger taxpayers funding them”.
“The government decided more than 20 years ago that it was going to make the state pension age the same for men and women as a long-overdue move towards gender equality, and this has been clearly communicated.”
The case continues.