A major new study by Aviva has found that 37% of employees believe there is age discrimination in their workplace, but 81% of employers are NOT concerned about it.
The Aviva research Age as a Barrier to Opportunity asked 1,036 UK employers and 2020 employees aged 45 or over their views on ageing.
Aviva’s research highlighted that working for enjoyment and social interaction increases with age. Those aged 60+ are more likely than others to be motivated.
Whilst older workers - those aged in their 50s and 60s believe that they possess significant skills and experience that they share with colleagues, just 16% feel that their employer appreciates this. This suggests employers could do more to acknowledge the important contributions of their older workers.
Attitudes to work in mid-life
“Far from being on the wind-down stages of their career however, our research shows that the UK’s mid-life employees remain enthusiastic and ambitious.”