Which jobs could a 100 year old do?

Today's children could live to 120 and work until they're 100, it's been claimed. But which occupations might they take on?

Exclusion on the grounds of their age?

Age discrimination does not get much media attention in Barbados. However, for a large segment of the Barbadian population, it is a reality being experienced for no other reason than the fact that they have reached a certain age.

Survey: One-third of Czechs encounter age discrimination

Some 34 percent of Czechs have encountered age discrimination when looking for a job or right at work, daily Pravo writes Wednesday, quoting the figures from a poll conducted by the Profesia.cz portal. 

Who's suing the Big Bang Theory for age discrimination?

As it enters its ninth season, The Big Bang Theory is an aging sitcom. But a recently-fired employee of the show claims in a new lawsuit he was ousted because of his age, despite his years of experience in the industry.

Inside story: Uphill battle for older workers

In New Zealand, 65+ year olds are the people who today inject around $14 billion a year into the Kiwi economy and undertake unpaid and voluntary work worth $8.5 billion annually. So why are they not valued more?

Age discrimination in Singapore

The Workers’ Party (WP) campaign aims to improve retirement, as age discrimination in the workforce has become a problem.