FBI sued over alleged age discrimination

Forty-five current and retired FBI agents sued the Bureau for alleged age discrimination. The lawsuit claims an FBI term limit policy of 5 years for field office squad supervisors is ageist and aimed at removing those supervisors over 40 years of age.

How old is too old? Retirement ages for partners

Telling someone that they must stop work merely because they have reached a particular birthday is a blatant form of age discrimination. This article by age discrimination expert James Davies discusses retirement ages in the context of law firms.

Radical action can help get UK's youth working

It could only happen in China. Five years ago, in a scheme marshalled by the Shanghai authorities, thousands of 17 to 22-year olds were assessed for their intelligence and skills. 

EEF calls for delay on retirement age changes

The EEF, the manufacturers' organisation, has backed the CBI's call to delay scrapping the default retirement age, claiming the changes are being "rushed through". 

CBI demanding clarification of new rules on age discrimination

Companies face "huge uncertainty" and a greater risk of being taken to employment tribunals with expensive age discrimination claims if the UK government does not delay planned changes to the retirement age, the CBI claimed today.

Report shows age discrimination still common in the workplace

Aviva’s quarterly Real Retirement Report finds that almost a third of pensioners claimed that they were pushed into retiring earlier than they would have liked by their employer, highlighting the levels of age discrimination still evident in the workplace.

Longleat Estate fires every employee over 65

As employers across the country start to plan for the abolition of the Default Retirement Age, bosses at Longleat Estate have sparked outrage by firing every employee aged over 65. Union leaders have condemned the move as ageist and age discrimination.