The boss of Worcester-based-Temple Bar says that the FSA's retail distribution review jeopardises The Equality Bill, which will makes age discrimination unlawful in the provision of products and services in 2012, as it disadvantages older IFAs.
The latest UK and international age discrimination news from around the web.
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Equality Bill
The boss of Worcester-based-Temple Bar says that the FSA's retail distribution review jeopardises The Equality Bill, which will makes age discrimination unlawful in the provision of products and services in 2012, as it disadvantages older IFAs.
In the horse trading between the Government and Opposition that took place in the run up to the election, the Equality Bill received Royal Assent. Richard Walsh comments on the impact of the age discrimination provisions on the insurance industry.
A new poll shows that many young people have experienced age discrimination.
The insurance industry is discriminating against older people with half of motor insurers refusing to offer quotes to people aged over 80, a charity has said.
Merged charity rejects government's case for limiting scope of discrimination ban.
Holiday companies and insurance firms will be able to avoid a ban on age discrimination in goods and services, the Government has announced.
Employees could keep a job into their 70s and 80s under Harriet Harman's plan to scrap forced retirement.
SAGA has successfully lobbied for an specific exemption from the Equality Bill to cover holidays. The Equality Bill, currently before the House of Lords, will prohibit age discrimination in the provision of goods and services.
To prepare health and social care services for new anti-age discrimination laws, the Government is calling for peoples’ views on the likely implications.
Contract compliance is working well as an instrument of social reform and divertsity promotion but not well enough to extend its use to combat age discrimination.