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Age hate crime bill proposed in Scotland

Crimes committed against people because of their age will attract harsher sentences, if a new Bill in Scotland is passed.

At the moment, only racially motivated crimes result in tougher sentencing, but a new law would extend it to other protected characteristics.

Hate crimes

If passed by Parliament, the Bill would provide for new “stirring up” of hatred offences that would apply to all characteristics listed in the Bill. These characteristics are age, disability, race, religion, sexual orientation, transgender identity and variations in sex characteristics.

Age Scotland was at the forefront of calls to include the age as one of those protected by the Hate Crime Bill. Offences against older people are “all too common” according to Chief executive Brian Sloan.

The draft bill - which was introduced in April - has been welcomed by many. It comes after a review of hate crime legislation by Lord Bracadale. He recommended age and gender should be incorporated into law.

More on age hate crimes

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