The Older People’s Commissioner for Wales has strongly welcomed the introduction of a Welsh Declaration of the Rights of Older People, which will protect and enhance the rights of older people across Wales.

The first of its kind in the world, the Declaration illustrates older people’s rights in a practical way, outlining the ways in which they relate to an individual’s day-to-day life. The Declaration can therefore be used by older people themselves to ensure that they are treated fairly and can access the support and services they need to live fulfilled, independent lives.

The Declaration will also remind public services about the rights that older people have and the duties they have to support and engage effectively with older people across Wales.

To ensure that the voices of older people and the things that matter most to them sit at the heart of the Declaration, its development was supported by an advisory group of older people that was chaired by the Commissioner. Using the United Nations Principles for Older Persons as a starting point, the Declaration outlines the things that older people value and the rights that older people feel would support and protect them effectively:

  • I have the right to be who I am
  • I have the right to be valued
  • I have free will and the right to make decisions about my life
  • I have the right to decide where I live, how I live and with whom I live
  • I have the right to work, develop, participate and contribute
  • I have a right to safety, security and justice

Welcoming the Welsh Government’s announcement about the Declaration and commitment to older people, the Older People’s Commissioner for Wales, Sarah Rochira, said:

“I am absolutely delighted that the Welsh Government has responded to my call to enhance the rights of older people in this way and that Wales is leading the way once again to improve older people’s lives.

“The Welsh Government’s announcement today not only reaffirms the commitment we share to promote the interest of older people, but also our commitment to equality and human rights, issues that matter so much to us all.” 

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