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Woman TV presenter sues for age discrimination after she was 'told she's too old to be an anchor'

One of New York's most well-known newscasters has taken the stand in solidarity with a former news director suing WPIX for $4.5million over age discrimination.

Kaity Tong, 65, appeared in Manhattan Federal Court on behalf of Karen Scott, and testified that the station sidelined both of them because of their age.

She recounted a June 29, 2009, meeting with Scott's boss Betty Ellen Berlamino, the station general manager.

Newscaster Kaity Tong appeared in Manhattan Federal Court on behalf of Karen Scott, and testified that the station sidelined both of them because of their age

Tong said Berlamino criticised her performance and cut her salary 'rather dramatically'.

'I was devastated, surprised, hurt, and I thought it was baseless,' said Tong. 'I was blindsided.'

She said she believed she was given a bad review and a pay cut because 'they were setting the groundwork to eventually get rid of me because of my age.'

Tong, who said she turned 65 on Monday, has been a popular anchor since the mid-'80s at WABC and at the Tribune-owned Channel 11, where she is now the weekend anchor.

Karen Scott a former news director is suing WPIX for $4.5million over age discrimination

Scott was let go two months after Tong's meeting with Berlamino. She was 60 at the time. Tong said she didn't deserve to be fired.

On cross-examination, WPIX attorney Edward Cirasia asked Tong if she knew for a fact that her 2009 poor review was due to her age. 'I don't know for a fact, but I have a very strong feeling it was,' she responded.

Tong told Cirasia she didn't know how much news ratings had dropped in the eight-month period before Scott was let go. WPIX contends Scott was fired because of bad ratings and lower profits, not her age.

Tong said one of Berlamino's criticisms was that she didn't blog more for the station. Tong said she started doing that because 'I'm a good soldier'.

In the lawsuit, Scott alleges Berlamino told her in 2009 that Tong was 'too old to be an anchor' and made an ageist remark about WPIX reporter Marvin Scott.

Article from Mail online