Britain risks economic underperformance by prioritising youth ahead of experience
According to new research, 92.8% of jobseekers aged over 50 feel the Government is ignoring the problem of over 50s unemployment.
The survey of over 700 registered candidates by Skilled People Limited also shows respondents believe the problem of youth unemployment is being exaggerated and addressed at the expense of the over 50s who are being expected to work longer before retirement. As a result Britain’s economic growth will be slower for many years to come than if the entire nation’s experience was properly harnessed, the site claims.
Additionally, over three quarters (80.3 per cent) of those surveyed feel that during their job search they have been discriminated against because of their age. This supports the conclusion earlier this year of the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) that age-related discrimination and stereotyping remain "rooted in British society".
Keith Simpson, Skilled People Managing Director, said: "We see a constant flood of CVs from exceptionally well qualified people seeking new opportunities who are under-employed for one reason only – they are aged over 50. We are appalled that respondents feel they have been victims of ageism.
"It’s extremely short-sighted of employers to discriminate on age grounds. Over 50s require little or no training, making them productive workers from the outset."
Article from SME web