The British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association (BVRLA) has called for the motor industry to be excluded from the upcoming changes to age discrimination legislation.

Amid fears amendments to age laws would increase the cost of vehicle rental, the organisation has claimed no one in the sector would benefit from alterations.

With statistics revealing that young drivers are more likely to be involved in road traffic accidents, the BVRLA has predicted the price of hiring a car or van could rise by up to 30 per cent if the government proposals are given the go-ahead.

Insurance claims and vehicle repairs caused by lowering the minimum age of vehicle rental could also signal higher costs for companies.

John Lewis, chief executive of the BVRLA, said: "Our industry is still being threatened by this new tranche of pointless red tape, something the current government has sworn to eliminate."

This news comes after the launch of the Red Tape Challenge, which gives members of the public the opportunity to have their say on current legislation.

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